Support for Ukraine


First of all, Social Firms Europe CEFEC would like to share with all of you our message of total distancing and strong disagreement with the situation of the war and human suffering caused by the war in Ukraine.

Our mission and all our activities are addressed to create inclusion, the valuing of each human being, a more just access to resources for all and therefore a situation of PEACE!!!

During the last days, several SFE CEFEC Members started to promote or to be involved in initiatives of solidarity in favor of the persons suffering from this situation.

We therefore thought to create a space on our website which allows us to share with you these initiatives and give you the chance to contribute, if you desire.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for any question and/or for indicating initiatives that could be shared with our members.

Thank you!


The list of initiatives, which will be updated in the next period of time:


1.AREAP, our SFE CEFEC member from Republic of Moldova.

More details about their current work with the Ukrainian refugees find on their Facebook page. If you can help, please contact them using these e-mail addresses: and


2. Bucovina Institute, our SFE CEFEC member from Suceava/Romania

The organization is collecting money for hospitals and medicine but also donations necessary for surgeries and medical intervention on the frontline, wheelchairs and other equipment needed. They are also working with the Red Cross to transfer the donations to Ukraine.

For aid support please contact them at this email address:


3. Human Rights in Mental Health-FGIP (, endorsed by our founding member Christiane Haerlin.

More details about the organization and how you can help, find in this Letter.


4. Die Querdenker, our SFE CEFEC member from Austria

The organization and its legal representative Tom Zuljevic-Salamon collected  30.000 Euro to support the Moldovian colleagues at the border. Also, they started now to collect food, clothes, textiles, hygienic materials, baby materials and more like this. The first transport will go this week to a refugee center in Radauti, Suceava county/Romania.

For aid support please contact them at this email address: