Title: ACCES-PLUS for an inclusive labour market
Number of the project: POSDRU/165/6.2/S/141673
Beneficiary: Orașul Siret
Social Firms Europe CEFEC was partner in the project ACCES PLUS – for an inclusive labor market which is being implemented for a period of 16 months, until August 2015. The project is co-financed through the European Social Fund Operational Programme for the Development of Human Resources 2007-2013.
The partnership is composed of Siret City (Romania), Asociaţia “Institutul pentru Parteneriat Social Bucovina” (Romania), Direcția Generală de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului Botoșani (Romania), Asociatia pentru Participare Cetateneasca (Romania), LTL Documentary SRL (Romania), Die Querdenker from Austria, Confederation of European Firms, Employment Initiatives and Cooperatives (CEFEC) from Belgium.
The general objective of the project is sustaining educational development, labor market integration and reintegration of vulnerable people from the North-East and Central regions of Romania by offering support, training programs and training sessions in the workplace, developed by a professional international consortium.
The specific objectives:
ObS1 – Developing over a period of 16 months 5 pilot Centers of Social Inclusion in underdeveloped communities, in order to provide professional support services for the integration into the labor market of vulnerable persons (Roma people, disabled persons and young people leaving the state child protection system).
ObS2 – Increasing the employment opportunities for 688 persons belonging to the vulnerable groups targeted from the 2 regions where the project is implemented by providing accredited training programs.
ObS3 – Developing training sessions at the workplace over a period of 6 months for 48 persons belonging to vulnerable groups by working directly with potential employers.
ObS4 – Creating, implementing and evaluating European models adapted to the local realities from North East and Central Romania, for educational development, integration and reintegration of persons belonging to vulnerable groups and increase their psychological and social condition by organizing online support groups for beneficiaries, cross national study visits for practitioners and for professionals.
Activities of the project coordinated by SFE CEFEC:
- Creating, developing and supporting Centers of Social Inclusion (CIS)
- Creating and implementing active measures to increase the social and psychological conditions of the target group
- Developing and initiating training sessions in the workplace
- Creating and disseminating a study aimed at assessing the impact and effectiveness of support measures and interventions offered to the target group