
Excerpt from the Statutes

Name, seat and purpose of the confederation
The name of the association is: Confederation of European social Firms, Employment initiatives and social Co-operatives (CEFEC). The association has its seat in Brussels, Belgium. It can be transferred to any other place within Belgium through a simple decision of the Executive Committee. Every transfer of the seat shall be made public in the supplements of the Belgian ‘Staatsblad’.

The purpose of the association is:
To initiate and to stimulate firms, employment initiatives and co-operatives on behalf of the rehabilitation and employment of people with mental health problems and other socially marginalized persons in the countries of the European Union and other European states, to give form and content to the international co-operation in these fields. The purpose has been worked out in the CEFEC guidelines and the CEFEC principles.

The association consists of members, that have to be legal persons and supporters, who can be natural as well as legal persons. There are three categories of membership:

  • Full Members
  • Supporting Organisation Members
  • Individual Members

The number of members is unlimited, with a minimum of three.

Decision-making bodies in the confederation:

  1. The Executive Committee
    The association is managed by an Executive Committee, consisting of representatives (being natural persons) of the legal persons, with a minimum of three members and a maximum that is equal to the number of countries that are represented in the confederation, every member being a delegation from a different country. The members of the Executive Committee are appointed by the General Assembly for a period of three years. The list of candidate committee members is distributed together with the invitation for the General Assembly. Membership of the Executive Committee also ends, except for the period mentioned before, following a decision of the General Assembly, by requesting dismissal by registered letter, when placed under legal restraint in case of bankruptcy, upon decease, in case of exclusion, in case of an application for suspension of payment.The Executive Committee elects from its members a Chairperson (President), a General Secretary, and a Treasurer.
  2. The General Assembly
    The General Assembly meeting takes place at least once a year. The General Assembly convoked by the Chairperson of the Executive Committee, or on request of the majority of the members. All members and supporters of the association are invited and receive a convocation for the General Assembly. The General Assembly will be held on the day, hour and place as announced in the convocation. The convocation of the General Assembly will be sent at least one month before the meeting, together with the agenda of the meeting. The General Assembly is presided by the Chairperson (President) of the Executive Committee., or, in the case of his/her absence, by any other member of the Executive Committee. Every member and supporter has the right to be present and to take part in the General Assembly personally or through representation. The representative need not be a member of the association. Every Full and Individual Member has the right to one vote; Supporting Organisation members have no right to vote.The following items demand the deliberation of the General Assembly:
    Changing the articles, appointing and resigning of members of the Executive Committee, dissolving the association, excluding members. Decisions are made by majority of votes of the members. Decisions are valid when made with a majority of the members present, or when the present minority is filled up with written votes of not present members to a majority of votes. When making a decision it is not allowed to depart from the agenda.

Annual Membership Fees:
Full Members: 150 euros for < 20 staff; 300 euros for > 20 staff;
Supporting Organisation Members: 150 euros
Individual Members: 25 euros